10 Proven Steps to Being a Successful New Manager

You’re a new manager, it’s exciting, overwhelming, and extremely important to get it right from the start. Don’t wing it!

Your management and leadership style will impact the lives and careers of your team members and their families — for better or worse. Take it seriously and invest in yourself and your development, even if your organization isn’t.

You own your career, so don’t leave your first leadership opportunity to chance! Here is my tried and true checklist to ensure your success as a new manager:

Know Your Leadership Compass

Develop a Leadership Philosophy

Document Your List of Expectations

Understand the Organizational and Management Goals

Align Your Goals

Have a Day 1 Plan Ready to Execute (see my previous article):

Nest Meetings

Make Team Debriefs a Part of Your Culture

Hold Regular 1-on-1’s

Leader Log

Some of you may not have months or years to get ready to become a manager. You are literally thrown into the deep end. Find the time to work on this list, make your leadership development a priority.

The Moov Group is an advisory group that helps business owners with staging for sale, managing the first 100 days post acquisition, and making managers leaders.  If you want to learn more about how we can help your business, visit us at the Moov Group.